Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's all happening so fast

Holy Crap. I get married to my best friend, the love of my life, the most amazing and perfect girl in the world in just a short 3 days. This coming Saturday we will be married at 2 PM in the Salt Lake Temple. I hope that all of you got an announcement, as long as you sent me your address you got one. I cannot describe how excited I am to be married. Just about all of my friends are married, and they love it. I even have friends that are having children in the next few months. Life is happening really fast, but I am LOVING IT.

Okay, so I currently am looking for a job, I have had a few leads, but nothing has panned out. I feel like an old 49er, in the fact that everyone says "Go here! They are hiring, and you'll fit the job perfectly!" or "Go There! I will put a good word in for you!" "You'll find Gold here! or There!"... but as I dip my pan, it just comes back with rocks and dirt. no gold just yet. but do not worry! I am still looking! I'll find gold, or a job sometime soon, and if the Mayans are right, I won't even have to worry about it, haha.

Me and Kelly are doing awesome, we have our house where we will be living, all set up and ready for her to get all moved in. I have already moved in, and we have moved most of her things over. I don't know how most people do it, but it seems to be working for us (having all my things, and most of her things here that is).

Justin is still out in Cheyenne Wyoming, doing really well, but he talks like he will be transferred in the next few weeks. Which sounds about right, I was transferred just about every 5-7 Months, and that is where he is at. His letters are amazing, and if you aren't getting them weekly then you should call my mother and get added to the email list.

Kelly had the opportunity to go through the Temple on the 16th, and she loved it! I loved it! There is something awesome to be said about going to the Temple together. I am grateful for this gospel, and for the Blessings that it provides in the Temple.

Okay, I feel like this makes sense, and also I feel like it is getting long. I know there is a TON of things that I am leaving out of this, but it covers the basics. I love you all, and want you to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, Oh and Tumblr if you know what that is. I will see you either Friday night, Saturday night, or on the 7th if you are down in Idaho. Be Good! Stay Sweet!

-Joshua Franz
Follow me in Instagram!
Tumblr - Its another blog... where I post all my Pictures
And for you Suckers out there - Google+

Enjoy a few Photos Below!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Okay okay okay. So everyone has been asking how I did this little engagement. Haha. Well it was a good process. It was kind of hard, since I live across the street from Kelly, to keep it a secret. Every girl wants a surprise and a good story to tell so I had to figure this out in the few hours a day I had to myself (I work with Kelly and we hang out daily). After thinking I decided that I needed to pop the question on temple square. It is where we had our first Utah date. And we dressed up On that date. So I wanted to recreate a similar night. Then I had to talk to her mother about it. Ask for permission as they say. Her mom is the best, she was very supportive and helped me keep it a secret. So then I just had to pick up the ring and set a day to ask her. The ring came back from the sizer on Tuesday. And I was able to pick it up on my way home from work without Kelly knowing I was even up to anything. Then it came to choosing a day. I figured Saturday was as good as any other day. And I didn't want to wait any longer. The ring was burning a hole in my pocket. Haha. So I brought it up casually throughout the week. Then Saturday morning came and we had to work early. We got there and it seemed that everything was going wrong. But I just kept talking about temple square and how I wanted to go there and be all dressed up. So after work we went home and got dressed up and went to temple square. It was perfect. The gates that usually surround the temple were open, and we could walk right up to the temple and touch it and go up to the doors. It was awesome. So we wandered through some of the visitors centers and looked at the art and the statues and even watched a video or two. Then we decided to go right up to the temple. So we walked in the Gate, and started to walk around it. There was a couple there taking pictures. She in her dress. Him in his tux. Very cute. Haha so we went around to the west side. And climbed the steps to the doors, and I knelt down on one knee and asked the age old question. "Will you marry me?"... Kelly is incredible. She said yes of course, and that is the story.

Be sure to follow along as we send out announcements, and tweets, and Facebook pages asking for your addresses and telling you what things are coming.

Thanks for reading my blog.
Love you.
-Joshua Franz

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It has been a while.


So, it has been a while since I have made a blog post, and I apologize for leaving you hanging, but I am sure that you follow me on Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram, or even Tumblr, you haven't missed much. Other than the fact that I MOVED to Salt Lake City, Utah to be closer to Kelly, and to work and make money. I am enjoying myself. I work at Tagge's Famous Fruit (http://www.taggesfamousfruit.com) it is a farm, and they have some stands all over the Valley, and also do the Farmers Markets that are here also. I usually work at the Nest, which is the warehouse. anyway, I love it, and it is a lot of fun. haha.

what else is there? I live across the street from Kelly and her family. They are awesome. haha they have 3 cows and a bunch of chickens. So its fresh milk and eggs all around! It is really nice actually to have around. Although living on a farm is a lot of work, its nice to have fresh food. Speaking of food, I have eaten a lot of great food here, haha sounds like a mission report. but I have. It is interesting to me how different people live and grow up and what they eat. but it has been an awesome learning experience. Kelly's Mom can't eat Gluten, so I have eaten a lot of Gluten Free Meals, and I now know why that is such a big deal. haha, it is hard to cook and be gluten free.

Anyway, things have been going well. I have been doing great. I know this isnt very organized, but it has been long overdue. so I will be back on this blog more frequently in the next few months. things are changing like crazy! haha so be sure to watch and find out as this year winds to an end!

One Love!
-Joshua Franz

Monday, June 18, 2012

Justin's Big Send off!

so this past week we sent Justin off on his Mission to The Colorado Denver North Mission. But we had to take him to the MTC first. and so this video is all about that!

I Hope that you guys Enjoyed it! he will make an amazing Missionary. Im proud to call him my brother.
If you wanna write him, the address is on the video description on YouTube, and while he is in the MTC you can Dear Elder him. just go to www.DearElder.com and make sure you put all the Mission info in correctly, and he will get it really quickly.

So, this whole week has been pretty good. Sunday Justin gave his Farewell Speech in church. And afterwards we had a Nacho Bar at the Town Hall in Menan. it was a really good time. lots of good food, and lots of family and friends came out to support! So if that is you, Thank You!
(you can listen to his speech here http://soundcloud.com/josh-e-franz/justins-farewell-address )

Monday Justin was set apart as a Missionary, and Riley and Layton were in town so they got to join us as we went to the Stake Center to meet with President Cook. that was a really awesome experience to stand in and be a part of setting Justin apart as a Full Time Missionary for the Church.,

Tuesday we left for Utah at about 2, on the way out, we stopped at the airport to see Travis come home from his mission! the first and only time in 4 years that Justin and Travis will see each other. that was pretty crazy to think about. They were both set apart missionaries, and one is leaving and the other coming home. That night we ate at some good ole Litza's Pizza, and I went and visited with Kelly.

Wednesday morning, Me and Justin woke up early and headed to the SLC Temple to do a session. it was really cool! the spirit was really strong, and I loved going to the temple with my brother. He is an incredible guy! As soon as we got out of the Temple we headed to the Church Office Building to see Grandma and Grandpa Hix, and where they are at serving their mission. They really LOVE what they do! and you can feel it when you talk to them. They are SO Happy there. We took the tour with them, and went over to the Joseph Smith Building for a Cinnamon roll! after we got back to G-pa & G-ma Franz' house I changed clothes and then Headed out! and that's where that video comes from ^^
After dropping him off we went back to Temple Square, and I got to hang out with Kelly for a little bit longer before we had to leave to come back to Idaho.

The rest of the week has been spent waiting for Justin to shoot us a letter or an Email, and today we finally got one from him. he said his P-Day is on Wednesday in the MTC, and that he will write us all back then. so be sure that you sit down and take a Minute to write him and let him know how you are doing, he would Love to hear from all of you!
Have a Great Week!

-Joshua Franz

Monday, June 11, 2012

Elder Justin G. Franz

So as you know I returned in December from my mission to the Iowa Des Moines Mission. And since then have found the greatest girlfriend, have started college and made some good friends. All while helping my brother Justin prepare for his mission. He is a really awesome guy. I'm really grateful that I can call him my brother. He is a spiritual giant! Yesterday was his faretheewell speech, and he did great on it. Blew any talk I have ever given clean out of the water!! He's really going to make a great missionary. Justin, if you don't know, has been called to the Colorado Denver North Mission. And he leaves in just 2 days (wednesday June 13th). I wanted to write this post and just tell Justin how much I appreciate what he does and how he is. He is a great kid. And a great big brother! Thanks for being a great example to the rest of the family man. You'll be twice the missionary I was! Thanks again my brother!

If you would like to write Justin, here is his info.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Zero time.

One thing I have learned during this semester of college, is that I have no time for anything. And I waste a lot of the time I don't have on things I don't need to do. Agh. I am trying to buckle down and do a lot better. It's just so crazy and busy. There are things that I still need to do everyday. And for next semester I'm getting a planner.
-Joshua Franz

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Holy Cow... This Blog is Long overdue... and I apologize for that. Things here have been crazy!

So I moved into my new apartment. I met my Roommates. I started College. I work everyday. haha so we will start with moving into my apartment.

Got here, and I talked to the manager, got my key and what not. I came down and checked out the apartment. Nice little place. Supposed to be 6 people living here, which seemed like a lot. But I thought to myself, "it cant be that bad." And, its NOT! haha. so at first, it was just me and Tanner. and I was thinking that we had 4 lame ducks that were coming late... turns out there are only 3 of us in this place! so that's Half what we would normally have! pretty awesome if you ask me. Carlton showed up Tuesday mid-day. Pretty good guys! I like em both! and they both know how to put up with my shenanigans! haha.

So, School itself isn't too bad. It's a lot different than I originally thought it was going to be. A lot of the teachers here don't want you using laptops or iPad's in their class? and they really don't want phones in their classes. I understand the phones one... but the Laptops and iPad's? I don't get it. I figured because we are paying to be there (versus high school where everyone just goes to it) then they wouldn't care so much? But they do... oh well I'm really not worried about it. I like my classes, I am only taking Fundamental Classes. but I really enjoy going to them and I actually like the teachers I have. My English class is a little intense. but its a block class so it will be over in no time. (June 1st). It seems that I have Homework every day, which is good! haha. It keeps me busy.

Also, I work at Rays still! It's pretty crazy. I go to school all day, then go to work the rest of the night, then I have homework to do after I get home... Right now it's working out pretty well, but that is because last week it was raining and they called me and told me not to come in every day. I wrote them a note and asked that, in May, my schedule not be so "everyday". I haven't been getting to bed at a normal time because I have been up doing the reading assignments. haha Every class makes you read! and I don't retain the reading because its so late. haha. oh well. I'm getting used to this stuff!

All in all, I know that I have bored you today, I'm sorry for that. I'll work on it! I promise. I just felt like I needed to get this First "College" Blog post up before I was too far into college!

Stay Sweet!
Peace Late!
-Joshua Franz

PS! Kelly is coming in May! And she is Bringing Karen! So that is going to be awesome! =D